Thursday, January 6, 2011

Slow News Day or Small City News???

I listen to a lot of radio these days with my commute to and from the office being 45 minutes each way...

Lead news story on the 5:00 pm news break on the local AM station...Lead Story 1/06/11!

That's right, brave police dogs in the City of Springfield MA, Justice and Nitro, have passed away within days of one another!!!  Now before all of you conspiracy theroists get your panties all up in the was natural causes...or so they say???!!! 

Now this is the cutting edge journalism that you can expect from the third largest city in Massachusetts ladies and gentlemen!!!  Small market radio at its finest on display!!!  This story trumped the swearing in of Mass' govenor for his second term and the reading of the U.S. Constitution in Congress...

Speaking of the reading of the Constitution, someone shouted out "except Obama, except Obama" just as Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., was reading "no person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States" is eligible for the presidency.  I understand that Rep. John Boehner began crying as they escorted the heckler out...

Speaking of John Boehner, his crying fits in Congress have become a national headline (and punchline) recently...frankly all I can think of when I hear of him crying at the drop of a dime is the episode of Seinfield where Jerry had the girlfriend who cried over everything...

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